The platform for efficient HPC

featuring a complete set of HPC-centric tools

The all-in-one platform to optimize the use of your HPC resources and become more efficient.

Elevating HPC efficiency, across all environments.

Boost your On-Prem
HPC efficiency

Boost your Cloud
HPC efficiency

Predictive Hybrid HPC efficiency with AI-trained predictors

And you can try OKA Core for free now.

Harness the potential of your HPC today

Identify actionable areas of resource optimization

Get an insightful and manipulable view into your clusters, to easily and quickly act upon bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and get results now.

Decrease your operating costs

HPC is very capital and cost-intensive. OKA helps you measure, assess and improve all the key financial contributors to your clusters’ expenses.

Optimize energy consumption

High performance computing is a very heavy energy consumer compared to regular data centres. OKA first enables you to measure where the waste comes from, and take action at the right granularity.

What customers say

“The integration of OKA Predict with Slurm placed a solid foundation for automation of job submission, ensuring efficient usage of the HPC cluster, which would affect in positive way not only the simulations of the end-users but also the power consumption.”

Eddy Taillefer – Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

“OKA Core has allowed us to identify non-optimal uses of the cluster disrupting its operation.”

Matthieu Marquillie – HPC Lead at Université de Lille

“With HPC users becoming increasingly conscious about the cost and environmental impact of HPC systems, the OKA tools are increasingly being put forward to our customers to help address these challenges.”

Andrew Dean – Sales Director at OCF

They also use OKA

And shape your HPC for tomorrow

Shape the future of your infrastructure

Assess and predict the load of your clusters to better prepare for their future. Identify which workloads are good candidates for Cloud migration, and project the cost and size of your future hybrid HPC resources.

Optimize usage of resources in real-time

Leverage machine learning power trained on your own cluster usage to increase resources productivity with real-time job submission optimization. Limit waste of resources by running jobs at their optimal configuration.

HPC resources rarely operate at their full potential

OKA’s battle-tested components help you tackle the most beneficial areas of your clusters’ rooms for optimization

Easy-to-use interface and consistent integrated components

Per-cluster views and user management

The right component for each and every optimization area

Advanced data filtering to get all the answers you need, at any level

Forecast and detection

Plan in advance the behavior of your clusters: either globally or at the level of a job. Plan your projects on to
low-activity periods; anticipate peaks of load… become proactive and anticipate problems.


How much will it cost to run a specific workload in the cloud? Project the necessary budget based on the
desired scenario.

Then, monitor and control your actual Cloud consumption on a day-to-day basis.

Physical view

Follow the evolution of your metrics server by server and visualize where physically the “hot spots” are

Help and support

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